World of Design: The Building Blocks

Setting the mood for menswear and women-wear inspired by menswear called MACHO.Macho as we know is sense of being 'manly' and self-reliant, the concept associated with "a strong sense of masculine pride: an exaggerated masculinity." It is associated with "a man’s responsibility to provide for, protect, and defend his family."All the 'things' that make up a Macho can be a trophy car an expensive watch and tasteful tailored clothing. The backdrop of this mental makeup is a complex web like structure that is attached to all these possessions and a sense of difference from the rest of the world. He provides for his family and is not comfortable showing his emotional soft side. The world's perception of him is what matters to him.moodboardBit intimidated by the patterns, they are the technicality of bringing the design into real world. From the styles that can be for skirt or bodice, to the different necklines(like cowl), manoeuvre.20181008_110739And to fashion croquis, that will be the illustrations art-life.Faceless at the moment just waiting to come to life.Croquis


World of Design: The Designers
