So all of this started when I was about 15 years old. One of my summer vacations, I started designing. Sketching these girls with dresses and faces, I felt connected to them.Their eyes spoke to me. I spent hours making the designs flowy, intricate and colourful. From skirts, to pants to wedding dresses. The girls came to life with hairstyles and matching accessories.Whenever I felt disconnected or lack of inspiration, I would start sketching, colours dancing in front of my eyes and I would be transported to another world. A world of design where I could create. Before realizing, my sketchbook was full.And many more sketch books later, an engineering degree, an MBA and few years in computer science industry, here I am at Academy of Fashion Design in University of Westminster London! 😊20180922_084031Excited to attend the first session where I made my own mannequin and was introduced to Draping. Every single shape and texture of fabric, even paper, leading to organic designs, started opening the mind to limitless possibilities.20180922_141307Intense and tiring, the day flew by with lecturer’s useful tips and inspirational content. Meeting like minded people passionate about fashion fuelled the motivation. The session ended with a glimpse of mind maps and how we could bring our ideas to life. The inspiration lingers on.. waiting for mind maps to take shape. Wondering what could be…20180922_143410


World of Design: The Building Blocks
