Richa Sharma


Fashion Designer| Creativity Art Enthusiast | Information Technology Buff | Dancer | Drummer

Believes in Multicultural, Multidisciplinary & Immortal Fashion – ‘Fashion Fades, only Style remains the same- Coco Chanel’.

Graduate from British Academy of Fashion Design London

Exquisite Timeless pieces & Haute Couture with elaborate intricate elements.

Stands for Ethical & Sustainable Fashion Brand – London


To design experiences of places to be, universes to feel, encapsulated into a moment frozen in time that can be lived over and again with the feeling of being free, being true to who we are.

Being sustainable in a world that doesnt need more waste, pollution, deforestation and forced or child labour.

More than ever before, in a time like now, digital design opens up a world of imaginative creations and customizable experiences that make us feel,move and live moments drafted in our destiny. And in this COVID era of limited mobility, breaking free and exploring where we want to go can be liberating.


Monte Carlo 2021 Challenge